
Arkansas Real Estate Continuing Education

We are an Arkansas Real Estate Commission approved continuing education provider (Arkansas School License #: MS00080399).

Complete your continuing education to renew your AR real estate license today. All of our courses can be completed At Your Pace online in order to help you maintain your license. Once you finish your class you will have an official certificate of completion available to print or save in order to report your CE to the commission.


Arkansas 3 Hour Ethics for Real Estate Professionals

clock hour icon 3h course

This 3 hour course examines ethics and ethical duties as they apply to real estate professionals in Arkansas. This course addresses ethical concepts, duties of real estate professionals, and practical ethics.

4.6 162 Reviews

Arkansas 3 Hour Real Estate Financing & Mathematics

clock hour icon 3h course

This course will fulfill the 3 hour requirement for Arkansas real estate licensees on any topic, and will cover finance basics, mathematics for real estate, and property taxes.

4.5 128 Reviews

AR NAR Code of Ethics Cycle 7 Update

clock hour icon 3h course

Explore the articles of the National Association of REALTORS Code of Ethics in this three-hour course for Arkansas real estate agents and REALTORS. Providing three CEUs in Ethics and Business Practices, this course breaks down the articles of the code into easy-to-understand lessons. Learn your ethical duty as a real estate agent or REALTOR under this longstanding set of professional standards.

This course is approved by a local REALTOR association to satisfy your NAR Code of Ethics training requirement.

4.6 12 Reviews

Arkansas 1 Hour Required Safety CE

clock hour icon 1h course

This 1 hour course will provide Arkansas real estate licensees with training that meets the Safety course requirements. This course will cover general safety considerations, protecting yourself, protecting clients, and protecting the property.

4.7 553 Reviews

Arkansas Real Estate License Renewal Dates and Continuing Education Requirements

Real Estate professionals in Arkansas are required to complete 7 hours of continuing education by September 30th each year to renew their license. If you miss the September 30th deadline, you may renew your license until 12/31 by paying an additional fee. After December 31st, your license will expire.

The continuing education requirements for all licensees are:

  • 1 hour of safety
  • 3 hours of core
  • 3 hours of electives
Agency Requirements for licensure