
How Do I Get 14 Hours of Real Estate CE in Florida?

Written by Kacie Goff

Phew. You made it through the initial 63 hours of pre-license education required for Florida real estate sales associates. You passed the real estate exam. You made it past the 45 hours of CE required for your first renewal. Now, you just need to worry about the 14 hours of CE required during each 24-month renewal cycle. That’s not so bad, especially considering everything you’ve already completed.

But you definitely don’t want to take a step backward, risking an inactive license — or, worse yet, a null and void one. Now that you’ve made it to the point where you only need 14 hours of CE, you want to keep it that way. 

We’re here to help. Here’s your guide to getting the 14 hours of real estate CE all Florida sales associates need as easily as possible. We’ve got four tips worth putting into practice. 

Find a DBPR-approved provider

The Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation (DBPR) doesn’t let you get your continuing education hours just anywhere. They specifically require you to complete your hours with an education provider that they have approved or your hours won’t count (talk about a waste of time).

Before you start your hours, double-check that the provider you’re considering has the DBPR seal of approval. For a sample of what their approval letters look like, you can scroll to the bottom of our Florida real estate CE page

Make sure you hit the right topics

14 hours isn’t enough. You need to make sure you get a specific number of hours in specific topics per DBPR requirements. They mandate that your hours break down as follows:

Fortunately, you don’t have to string specific courses together yourself, hoping they hit the marks you need. Some education providers offer 14-hour Florida real estate CE packages that cover all the required topics. 

Be ready for exams

The DBPR requires end-of-course exams for some CE courses. You need to get an 80% to pass, but don’t stress. If you don’t pass, you need to retake the course and try again, but we let you do all of that at no extra cost. 

Take your hours online

You don’t need to take time away from your workday or your weekend to get your CE hours completed. The DBPR has approved some education providers to offer online courses. In fact, we don’t just offer our courses online, but we let you take them at your convenience from any device you want, including your mobile phone. Really, getting the 14 hours of Florida real estate continuing education you need can be a pretty painless endeavour. 

The trick is to start your CE hours a bit before your renewal will be due. When you have enough time, you can chip away at your hours whenever your schedule allows. Then, once you finish, you’ll get your certificate of completion and we’ll report your completed hours to the DBPR for you. 

See? Completing your 14 hours of Florida real estate sales associate continuing education can be a breeze.