
Florida Real Estate 63 Hour Pre-License Course

  • 63 Hour Course
  • 4.3 3426 Reviews
  • $80.00

This 63-hour pre-licensing course satisfies Florida's pre-license education requirements for anyone who meets the state’s prequalifications and wants to become a real estate professional.

The beginning of the course covers important topics for any new real estate professional, including an overview of real estate as a business and laws that govern real estate licensees and their activities. Then, you’ll learn about agency relationships, required disclosures, and the rules and requirements a brokerage and licensee must follow.

Next, the course looks at violations of license law, penalties, investigations, and use of the Real Estate Recovery Fund. After that, you’ll explore legislation related to the real estate industry, including the Fair Housing Act. The course then pivots to an examination of various types of housing which utilize shared ownership, as well as types of estates and the difference between real and physical property. Following that, the course explores types of deeds and how property is transferred.

Additional topics include the different methods of legal descriptions for property, as well as real estate calculations. After that is a section on real estate contracts, contract clauses, contract law, fraud, and negligence.

The next section focuses on residential mortgages and sources of financing for real estate transactions. This includes looking at various aspects of closing a transaction, including calculations, transaction steps, and the paperwork involved.

After that, you’ll learn about real estate values and the physical and economic characteristics they depend on. This is followed by a section that examines how real estate is valued through appraisals and why they are used. The next section discusses the pros, cons, and methods of real estate investing, as well as the work of brokering businesses.

From there, you’ll study the types of taxes that affect real estate and which types of real estate receive special tax treatment. The course ends with a discussion on the purpose and methods of community zoning and planning.

To promote comprehension and retention of course materials, each section of the course ends with a quiz that covers the content from the preceding section. The course also includes a 100-question exam that includes questions from each section of the course.


  • Course ID(s): 0022053
  • Approved By: Florida DBPR

Instructor Bio

sheri wytcherley real estate atyourpaceonline

Sheri Wytcherley is the instructor for many of our real estate courses. She is a chart-topping principal broker and has been a passionate real estate educator since 2012. See more details about Sheri's background here.

Course Reviews

3426 Reviews