Michigan Real Estate License Exam Prep
The Michigan Real Estate Salesperson Exam consists of 115 total questions and you must answer at least 80 answers correctly in order to pass (70%). The broker and associate broker exam consists of 120 questions. To pass, you must answer correctly at least 75% of the questions. Our real estate exam practice tests are designed to give you the extra preparation you need in order to take the licensing exam with confidence.
The Salesperson and Broker Exams are broken up into a national portion and a state specific portion. Our Michigan real estate exam practice course is designed to prepare you for both portions of the test.
Studying for a test is easy. Properly preparing goes a step further and that is where we come in. We want to be by your side as you prepare to ace an exam that will change the trajectory of your career. The best part? You can do it all on your own time. All of our courses are 100% online, available anytime, from any connected device. Let us help you succeed!
Michigan Broker License Exam Prep
At Your Pace Online's Real Estate Exam Prep course is a comprehensive tool to prepare you for the National and State Specific portion of the real estate licensing exam.
This Course Includes:
- 120 Question Exam Simulator
- Unlimited Practice Exams
- Feedback on all Questions
- Content Based on the PSI Candidate Information Handbook
Michigan PSI Exam Prep
Do more than study for your Michigan real estate salesperson exam. This exam prep tool will help you ace your licensing exam with three full 80-question tests you can complete as many times as you want.
Exam prep details:
- Three practice exams covering national material
- Exams are 80 questions each
- Unlimited attempts for all exams
Pass Your Michigan Real Estate Licensing Exam
Preparing for the exam isn’t required, but it’s certainly recommended. Pass rates increase exponentially the more time you put into getting ready for the big day. Practice tests help decrease test anxiety, increase mental stamina, and give you a good assessment of how familiar you are with a topic. Don’t take the first step of your career blindly, take it prepared, with AYPO’s comprehensive Real Estate Exam Prep!
Still need your Michigan Real Estate License License? Our Michigan Salesperson Pre-License Courses and our Michigan Broker Pre-License Courses are LARA approved to give you the required pre-licensing education needed to get licensed.