Oklahoma Real Estate Continuing Education
Complete your continuing education to renew your Oklahoma real estate license today. All of our courses can be completed At Your Pace online in order to help you maintain your license. Once you finish your class you will have an official certificate of completion available and we will report your course completion to OREC for you automatically.
We are approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission (OREC Provider ID 177123).
Oklahoma 21 Hour Renewal Package
This special Oklahoma package course is designed to meet all 21 hours of continuing education required by OREC, including all of the Elective and Broker in Charge (BIC) requirements and Core topics in one convenient package. Get started on the mandatory CE requirements today.
Oklahoma 15 Hour Broker in Charge Real Estate CE
This course will meet the Elective and Broker in Charge requirement for licensees and covers multiple core topics that relate to the real estate profession. Updates include extensive review of changes to the Oklahoma Broker Relationships Act as well as lessons regarding the responsibilities and opportunities of running a real estate brokerage in Oklahoma.
Successful completion not only makes for a more efficient and productive brokerage, but ensures the consumers of Oklahoma access to better-prepared and better-qualified real estate representation and a more reliable real estate transaction process.
Oklahoma 6 Hour Core Real Estate CE
This course contains all 6 of the Required Subject Matter content courses which are needed to renew your Oklahoma real estate license.
Oklahoma 1 Hour Broker Relationship Act
This course contains 1 hour of your Required Subject Matter training.
The course covers the Oklahoma Broker Relationships Act including a review and update of statutory v. common law agency, a look at the Buyer Broker Service Agreement, and in-depth reviews of several individual sections of the OBRA.
Oklahoma 1 Hour Codes & Rules
This course contains 1 hour of your Required Subject Matter training.
The course covers the historical background, evolution, and recent developments in Oklahoma law pertaining to the real estate profession.
Oklahoma 1 Hour Hot Topics
This course contains 1 hour of your Required Subject Matter training.
The course covers changes in Oklahoma broker relationships, updates on the latest in Oklahoma real estate rules and regulations, as well as updates on federal rules and regulations affecting the real estate profession.
Oklahoma 1 Hour Contracts & Forms
This course contains 1 hour of your Required Subject Matter training.
The course covers contract law as it pertains to the Oklahoma real estate profession, including understanding contract terms, identifying the parts of contracts and forms and their uses, and using contracts and forms promulgated by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
Oklahoma 1 Hour Fair Housing Laws
This course contains 1 hour of your Required Subject Matter training.
The course covers issues behind the Fair Housing laws and prohibited actions, including a review and update of the Oklahoma and federal fair housing laws and the role of the Oklahoma Office of Civil Rights Enforcement.
Oklahoma 1 Hour Professional Conduct
This course contains 1 hour of your Required Subject Matter training.
The course covers conduct and ethics issues related to the Oklahoma real estate profession, identifying the repercussions to careers when professional conduct issues arise, applying the conduct and knowledge of ethics learned to career situations, and avoiding the potential for censure or license revocation.
Oklahoma Real Estate License Renewal Dates and Continuing Education Requirements
- Oklahoma real estate licenses must be renewed every three years.
- They expire in the month that you were originally licensed.
- In order to avoid late fees, the renewal application and fee must be received by the tenth day of that month.
To renew your license, all Oklahoma real estate continuing education requirements must be met and officially recorded by the last day before the license expires in each three-year term.Â
Sales associates must complete 21 hours of continuing education (CE) courses, including:
- 6 hours on required topics
- 15 hours of elective topics
Brokers must complete 21 hours of continuing education, including:
- A 15-hour Broker in Charge course
- 6 hours on required topics
The required topics are:
- Code and rules (CAR)
- Broker Relationships Act (BRA)
- Hot topic (HOT)
- Fair housing (FHR)
- Professional conduct (PSC)
- Contracts and forms (CON)
Sales associates may take the Broker in Charge course as an elective, thereby fulfilling both the 15 credit hour and required-subject CE requirements.
Information on Final ExamsÂ
In order to receive CE credit for your Oklahoma real estate continuing education course, you must pass a final exam with a score of at least 80%. If you do not pass on the first try, you may retake the exam as many times as needed in order to pass.