Oregon Real Estate Broker Pre License (150Hrs)
150 Hour Course
- 4.3 20 Reviews
- $289.00
This course fulfills Oregon's 150-hour pre-licensing requirement while also helping you prepare for the Oregon Broker’s exam.
The first part of the course covers the many responsibilities of real estate brokers. This includes licensing requirements, contract law, contract forms, fair housing and anti-discrimination laws, and common law of agency and Oregon’s agency laws.
Then we cover financial topics, including lending disclosures, sources of financing, and various loan programs. We also talk about the mathematics needed during a transaction and how property is valued and assessed for taxation.
After reviewing the process of foreclosure, we discuss real estate advertising regulations, the customs and procedures of escrow and closing, and lastly financial records and reports you need to keep.
Next, we cover real estate office management including hiring, supervision, and office policy. Then we look at the Oregon statutes for property management, the economics of rentals, and lease clauses. Tenant relations, recordkeeping, and anti-discrimination regulations are also reviewed.
Lastly, we talk about real estate law, legal descriptions, land use controls, titles, taxes, and encumbrances on property.
Show Course ID: 0
- Approved By: Oregon Real Estate Agency
- Real Estate Practice
- Brokers and Principal Brokers [7 Activities]
- 01. Real Estate Practices in Oregon (Video)
- 02. Introduction to Brokers and Principal Brokers (Video)
- 03. Agency
- 04. Oregon Agency Law and Rules
- 05. Broker/Principal Broker Relationships
- 06. Laws Governing the Handling of Documents
- 07. Conclusion of Brokers and Principal Brokers (Video)
- Role of the Broker [8 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Role of the Broker (Video)
- 02. The Basic Role of the Real Estate Broker
- 03. Secondary Authorities
- 04. Farms
- 05. Topics Related to the Practice of Real Estate
- 06. Client Trust Accounts (Video)
- 07. Client Trust Accounts in Oregon
- 08. Conclusion of Role of the Broker (Video)
- License Requirements [6 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Licensing Requirements (Video)
- 02. Licensing in Oregon
- 03. Activities Requiring Licensing
- 04. Violations and Disciplinary Measures
- 05. Other Licensed Activities
- 06. Conclusion to Real Estate Licensing (Video)
- Listing and Advertising [5 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Oregon Real Estate: Listing & Advertising (Video)
- 02. Listing Agreements
- 03. What is an MLS?
- 04. Listing Agreements in Oregon
- 05. Conclusion (Video)
- Sales Agreements [5 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Sales Agreements (Video)
- 02. Sales Agreements in Oregon
- 03. Sales Agreement in Detail
- 04. Licensee as Principal in a Transaction
- 05. Conclusion to Sales Agreements (Video)
- Anti-Discrimination Laws [13 Activities]
- 01. Introduction (Video)
- 02. Introduction to Fair Housing
- 03. Beginnings of Fair Housing (Video)
- 04. History of Fair Housing
- 05. Impact of Fair Housing (Video)
- 06. Impact of Fair Housing on the Real Estate Professional
- 07. Reaction of the Real Estate Profession to Fair Housing Laws
- 08. Overview of the Fair Housing Act (Video)
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Overview of the Fair Housing Act
- 10. Other Civil Rights Laws that Impact Fair Housing
- 11. Fair Housing-Related Presidential Executive Orders
- 12. Looking to the Future
- 13. Conclusion (Video)
- Real Estate Practice Test (60 questions)
- Brokers and Principal Brokers [7 Activities]
- Real Estate Agency Law
- Common Law of Agency [11 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Real Estate Agency (Video)
- 02. Introduction to Agency
- 03. Formation of an Agency Relationship (Video)
- 04. Parties to an Agency Agreement
- 05. Creation of an Agency Relationship
- 06. Types of Authority
- 07. Types of Agency
- 08. Responsibilities of the Parties and Termination
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- 09. Real Estate Agents (Video)
- 10. Agency in the Real Estate Industry
- 11. Conclusion (Video)
- Oregon Agency Law [9 Activities]
- 01. Introduction (Video)
- 02. Oregon Agency Statutes
- 03. Agency Agreements and Disclosures
- 04. Liability for Errors and Omissions of Agents and Subagents
- 05. NAR Code of Ethics (Video)
- 06. Duties to Clients and Customers
- 07. Duties to the Public
- 08. Duties to Realtors
- 09. Conclusion (Video)
- Real Estate Agency Law Test (30 questions)
- Common Law of Agency [11 Activities]
- Real Estate Contracts
- Basics of Contract Law [9 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to the Contracts Course (Video)
- 02. Introduction to Contract Law Basics (Video)
- 03. General Knowledge of Contract Law
- 04. Requirements for Validity
- 05. Assignment and Novation
- 06. When a Contract is Considered Performed or Discharged
- 07. Breach of Contract
- 08. Contract Clauses
- 09. Conclusion to Contracts Basics (Video)
- Real Estate Contracts [10 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Real Estate Contracts (Video)
- 02. Contract Categories
- 03. Listing Agreements
- 04. Buyer-Broker Agreements
- 05. Tenant Representation Agreements
- 06. Offers/ Purchase Agreements
- 07. Land Sale Contracts
- 08. Leases
- 09. Other Real Estate Contracts
- 10. Conclusion of Real Estate Contracts (Video)
- Special Requirements [5 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Special Requirements in Oregon Real Estate Contracts [Video]
- 02. Special Requirements and Limitations on Certain Contracts in Oregon
- 03. Special Requirements and Limitations on Certain Contracts in Oregon - Part 2
- 04. Special Requirements and Limitations on Certain Contracts in Oregon - Part 3
- 05. Conclusion to Special Requirements in Oregon Real Estate Contracts [Video]
- Real Estate Contracts Test (30 questions)
- Basics of Contract Law [9 Activities]
- Real Estate Finance
- Lending Laws [18 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to the Real Estate Finance Course (Video)
- 02. Introduction to Lending Laws (Video)
- 03. Lending and Disclosures: Integrated Disclosures
- 04. Lending and Disclosures: Integrated Disclosures - Part 2
- 05. Lending and Disclosures: Integrated Disclosures - Part 3
- 06. Lending and Disclosures: Integrated Disclosures - Part 4
- 07. Lending and Disclosures: Truth in Lending Act
- 08. Lending and Disclosures: Truth in Lending Act - Part 2
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- 09. Lending and Disclosures: Truth in Lending Act - Part 3
- 10. Lending and Disclosures: Truth in Lending Act - Part 4
- 11. Lending and Disclosures: The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
- 12. Lending and Disclosures: The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act - Part 2
- 13. Lending and Disclosures: The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act - Part 3
- 14. Lending and Disclosures: The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act - Part 4
- 15. Lending and Disclosures: The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act - Part 5
- 16. Lending and Disclosures: Equal Credit Opportunity Act
- 17. Fraud and Lending Practices
- 18. Conclusion of Lending Laws (Video)
- Sources of Financing [6 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Sources of Financing (Video)
- 02. Sources of Financing
- 03. Down Payment Assistance Program
- 04. Financial Markets
- 05. Federal Monetary Control
- 06. Conclusion (Video)
- Loans and Loan Programs [5 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Loans and Loan Programs (Video)
- 02. General Concepts
- 03. Loan Application Process
- 04. Types of Loans
- 05. Conclusion to Loans and Loan Programs (Video)
- Government Loan Programs [6 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Government Loans (Video)
- 02. FHA
- 03. VA
- 04. Other Federal Programs
- 05. ODVA
- 06. Conclusion to Government Loan Programs (Video)
- Other Methods of Financing [5 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Other Methods of Financing (Video)
- 02. Other Mortgages
- 03. Sale and Leaseback
- 04. Collateral Assignments
- 05. Conclusion to Other Methods of Financing (Video)
- Financing Documents [4 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Financing Documents (Video)
- 02. Mortgages and Deeds of Trust
- 03. Other Financing Documents
- 04. Conclusion to Financing Documents (Video)
- Mathematics for Real Estate Brokers [9 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Mathematics for Real Estate Brokers (Video)
- 02. How is Mathematics Used in Real Estate?
- 03. General Math Concepts
- 04. Calculations for Valuation
- 05. Appreciation and Depreciation
- 06. Calculations for Transactions
- 07. Lending Calculations
- 08. Lending Calculations - Part 2
- 09. Conclusion to Mathematics for Real Estate Brokers (Video)
- Valuation of Real Property [5 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Valuation of Real Property (Video)
- 02. Value
- 03. Methods of Estimating Value
- 04. Appraisal Process
- 05. Conclusion to Valuation of Real Property (Video)
- Taxation of Real Property [13 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Taxation of Real Property (Video)
- 02. Property Taxes
- 03. Other Taxes
- 04. Impact of Taxation on Financing Arrangements (Video)
- 05. Oregon Property Tax Law
- 06. Oregon Property Tax Law - Part 2
- 07. Oregon Property Tax Law - Part 3
- 08. Oregon Property Tax Law - Part 4
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- 09. Oregon Property Tax Law - Part 5
- 10. Oregon Property Tax Law - Part 6
- 11. Oregon Property Tax Law - Part 7
- 12. Oregon Property Tax Law - Part 8
- 13. Conclusion to Taxation of Real Property (Video)
- Foreclosure [14 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Foreclosure (Video)
- 02. What is Foreclosure
- 03. Loan Default – Where Foreclosure Begins
- 04. Judicial Foreclosure
- 05. Strict Foreclosure
- 06. Foreclosure by Power of Sale (Video)
- 07. Foreclosure by Power of Sale
- 08. Alternatives and Remedies for Foreclosure
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- 09. Oregon Foreclosure Law
- 10. Oregon Foreclosure Law - Part 2
- 11. Oregon Foreclosure Law - Part 3
- 12. Oregon Foreclosure Law - Part 4
- 13. Oregon Foreclosure Law - Part 5
- 14. Conclusion to Foreclosure (Video)
- Real Estate Finance Test (60 questions)
- Lending Laws [18 Activities]
- Real Estate Brokerage
- Advertising [14 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Advertising (Video)
- 02. Promoting Your Business and Services
- 03. Promoting Your Business and Services - Part 2
- 04. Creating an Advertising Plan
- 05. Developing Your Professional Image
- 06. Public Relations
- 07. Puffing, Misrepresentations, and Fraud
- 08. Relations Between Competitors
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- 09. Antitrust Laws
- 10. Antitrust Laws - Part 2
- 11. Fair Housing Laws
- 12. Fair Housing Laws - Part 2
- 13. Fair Housing Laws - Part 3
- 14. Conclusion of Advertising (Video)
- Escrow and Closing [7 Activities]
- 01. Legal Requirements for Neutral Escrows and Co-Op Transactions
- 02. Legal Requirements for Neutral Escrows and Co-Op Transactions - Part 2
- 03. The Closing Disclosure
- 04. Who Usually Pays for What
- 05. Taxes
- 06. Title Insurance
- 07. Conclusion of Neutral Escrows and Co-Op Transactions [Video]
- Financial Records [6 Activities]
- 01. Introduction To Financial Records (Video)
- 02. Financial Records
- 03. Clients' Trust AccountÂ
- 04. Responsibility for Trust Monies
- 05. Use of The Trust Account
- 06. Conclusion (Video)
- Financial Reports [4 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Financial Reports (Video)
- 02. Financial Reports
- 03. Financial Reports: Part 2
- 04. Conclusion To Financial Reports (Video)
- Other Records [5 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Non-Financial Records (Video)
- 02. Record Retention
- 03. Client File
- 04. Advertising Folders
- 05. Conclusion to Non-Financial Records (Video)
- Offices and Licensees [6 Activities]
- 01. Introduction To Offices and Licensees (Video)
- 02. Real Estate Offices
- 03. Regulatory Requirements
- 04. Broker Supervision
- 05. Commissions and Fees
- 06. Conclusion To Offices and Licensees (Video)
- Office Policies and Procedures [5 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Office Policies and Procedures (Video)
- 02. Office Policies and Procedures
- 03. Use of an Office Policy Manual
- 04. Setting out Grievance Procedures
- 05. Conclusion of Office Policies and Procedures (Video)
- Other Professional Real Estate Activities [5 Activities]
- 01. Introduction To Other Professional Real Estate Activities (Video)
- 02. Property Management
- 03. Mandated Disclosures
- 04. Investment Counseling
- 05. Conclusion To Other Professional Real Estate Activities (Video)
- Real Estate Brokerage Test (40 questions)
- Advertising [14 Activities]
- Real Estate Property Management
- Oregon Property Management Statutes [8 Activities]
- 01. Introduction on Oregon Property Management Statutes (Video)
- 02. Property Management in Oregon
- 03. Oregon Property Management Statutes
- 04. Oregon Property Management Statutes
- 05. Oregon Property Management Administrative Rules
- 06. Oregon Property Management Administrative Rules
- 07. Oregon Property Management Administrative Rules
- 08. Conclusion (Video)
- Landlord Tenant Act [6 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Oregon Landlord/Tenant Laws for Real Estate Licensees (Video)
- 02. Landlord/Tenant Relations
- 03. Tenant's Rights and Duties
- 04. Landlord's Rights and Duties
- 05. Termination of Tenancy Agreement
- 06. Conclusion (Video)
- Economics of Property Management [5 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to The Economics of Property Management (Video)
- 02. Economics of Property Management
- 03. Expenses
- 04. Evaluating the Owner's Objectives
- 05. Conclusion (Video)
- Leases [4 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Leases (Video)
- 02. Leases
- 03. Common Lease Clauses
- 04. Conclusion of Leases (Video)
- Agency and Property Management [4 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Agency and Property Management (Video)
- 02. Relationship Between Property Owner and Property Manager
- 03. Property Manager Duties and Obligations
- 04. Conclusion of Agency and Property Management (Video)
- Tenant Relations [4 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Property Management Class on Tenant Relations (Video)
- 02. Tenant Rights
- 03. Tenant Relations
- 04. Conclusion (Video)
- Property Management Record Keeping [5 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Property Management Record Keeping (Video)
- 02. Financial Records
- 03. Record Retention
- 04. Trust Account Records
- 05. Conclusion of Property Management Recordkeeping (Video)
- Anti-Discrimination in Housing [4 Activities]
- 01. Introduction To Anti-Discrimination In Housing (Video)
- 02. Fair Housing and Anti-Discrimination Statutes
- 03. Fair Credit Reporting Act
- 04. Conclusion To Anti-Discrimination In Housing (Video)
- Real Estate Property Management Test (20 questions)
- Oregon Property Management Statutes [8 Activities]
- Real Estate Law
- Basics of Real Estate Law [26 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Real Property Law (Video)
- 02. Basic Real Property Law
- 03. Forms of Ownership and Types of Estates
- 04. Agricultural and Forest (Video)
- 05. Laws Governing Agricultural Real Property
- 06. Planning and Zoning Hearings and Review
- 07. Farmland and Forestland Zones
- 08. Other Structures
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- 09. Forms of Ownership (Video)
- 10. Tenancy Types
- 11. Common Interest Ownership and Special Requirements
- 12. Units
- 13. Dividing or Converting Units
- 14. Disclosure Requirements
- 15. Disclosure Requirements Continued
- 16. Trusts (Video)
- 17. Types of Trusts
- 18. Forms of Ownership by Business Organizations
- 19. Commercial, Industrial, and Income Property
- 20. Land Rights
- 21. Other Elements of Real Estate Law
- 22. Oregon Property Disclosure Statement and Stigmatized Properties
- 23. Stigmatized Property
- 24. Oregon Discrimination Statutes
- 25. Oregon Veteran's Loan Program
- 26. Conclusion To The Basics of Real Estate Law (Video)
- Legal Descriptions of Real Property [10 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Legal Descriptions (Video)
- 02. Legal Descriptions
- 03. Working with Curved Boundaries
- 04. Terminology
- 05. Other Legal Descriptions
- 06. Rectangular Survey System
- 07. Physical Characteristics of Land
- 08. Economic Characteristics of Land
- 09. Physical Descriptions of Property
- 10. Conclusion (Video)
- Title and Transfer of Title [9 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Transfer of Title (Video)
- 02. Transfer of Title
- 03. Transfer of Title - Part 2
- 04. Other Kinds of Deeds
- 05. Oregon Trust Deed Act (ORS 86.705 – 86.795)
- 06. Foreclosures, Short Sales, and Auctions
- 07. Other Ways to Transfer Title
- 08. Like-Kind Exchanges Under Internal Revenue Code Section 1031
- 09. Conclusion of Transfer of Title (Video)
- Encumbrances [8 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Encumbrances (Video)
- 02. Encumbrances
- 03. Encumbrances - Part 2
- 04. Encumbrances - Part 3
- 05. Oregon Construction Lien Law (ORS 87.001 – 87.093)
- 06. Oregon Construction Lien Law - Part 2
- 07. Other Types of Encumbrances
- 08. Conclusion of Encumbrances (Video)
- Title Insurance and Escrow [6 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Title Insurance and Escrow (Video)
- 02. Title
- 03. Clouded Titles and Title Insurance
- 04. Escrow and Closing Costs
- 05. Recordation
- 06. Conclusion of Title Insurance and Escrow (Video)
- Taxes and Assessments [13 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Assessment and Taxation (Video)
- 02. Assessment and Taxation of Real Property
- 03. State Taxes
- 04. Special Assessments
- 05. Oregon Property Tax Laws
- 06. Supervision of Property Tax Administration by Department of Revenue
- 07. Property Tax Expenditure Funding
- 08. Other Taxation Concepts
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Mortgages and Liens
- 10. Mortgages and Liens: Part 2
- 11. Mortgages and Liens: Part 3
- 12. Mortgages and Liens: Part 4
- 13. Conclusion to Assessment and Taxation (Video)
- Land Use Controls [33 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Land Use Controls (Video)
- 02. Land Use Control
- 03. Zoning and Master Plans
- 04. Building Codes and Regulations
- 05. New Home Warranties
- 06. Oregon Statutes on Subdivisions and Partitions (ORS 92.010 – 92.990)
- 07. Oregon Statutes on Subdivisions and Partitions (ORS 92.010 – 92.990), Part 2
- 08. Oregon Statutes on Subdivisions and Partitions (ORS 92.010 – 92.990), Part 3
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- 09. Undeveloped Subdivisions
- 10. Oregon Subdivision and Series Partition Control Law
- 11. Filing Requirements
- 12. Examination of Subdivision and Series Partition; Public Report
- 13. Requirements for Sale
- 14. Prohibited Acts
- 15. Manufactured Dwellings
- 16. Regulation of Special Land Types
- 17. Government Land Rights and Acts of Government
- 18. Common Interest Ownership
- 19. Common Interest Ownership - Part 2
- 20. Common Interest Ownership - Part 3
- 21. Common Interest Ownership - Part 4
- 22. Issues with Deeds Acquired in Foreclosure Sales
- 23. Regulation of Environmental Hazards
- 24. Other Relevant Elements of Common Law
- 25. Pollution and Waste
- 26. Sellers and Buyers and Environmental Hazards
- 27. Hazardous Waste Disposal
- 28. Other Environmental Hazards
- 29. Environmental Concerns and Property Valuation
- 30. Oregon Environmental Regulation
- 31. Oregon Environmental Regulation, Part 2
- 32. Oregon Environmental Regulation, Part 3
- 33. Conclusion (Video)
- Real Estate Law Test (60 questions)
- Basics of Real Estate Law [26 Activities]
- Course Completion
- Mandatory Questionnaire
- Certificate of Completion
- Guaranteed Next-Day Reporting
Instructor Bio

Sheri Wytcherley is the instructor for many of our real estate courses. She is a chart-topping principal broker and has been a passionate real estate educator since 2012. See more details about Sheri's background here.