
Virginia Real Estate Continuing Education

Complete the continuing education to renew your Virginia real estate license today. All of our courses can be completed At Your Pace online in order to help you maintain your license. Once you complete your class you will have an official certificate of completion available to print or save for your records.

We are approved by the Virginia DPOR to offer online CE courses (Provider ID 0211001196).


Virginia Real Estate 24 Hr Broker CE Course

clock hour icon 24h course

This course fulfills the requirements for Virginia’s Continuing Education for Real Estate Brokers. It includes the mandatory topics of Broker Management and Agent Supervision, Agency, Ethics, Fair Housing, Contracts, and Legal Updates and Emerging Trends.


Virginia Real Estate 16 Hr Salesperson CE Course

clock hour icon 16h course

This course fulfills the requirements for Virginia’s Continuing Education for Real Estate Salespeople. It includes the mandatory topics of Agency, Ethics, Fair Housing, Contracts, and Legal Updates and Emerging Trends.

4.6 12 Reviews

Virginia Real Estate License Renewal Dates and Continuing Education Requirements

In Virginia, real estate licensees must renew their licenses two years after their initial licensure at the end of the month on which they were issued. 


VA real estate continuing education requirements for brokers include 24 hours of CE per renewal license. These hours must include:

  • One hour of legal emerging trends and updates
  • One hour of real estate contracts
  • One hour of real estate agency
  • Two hours of agent/broker supervision
  • Two hours of fair housing
  • Three hours of ethics and standards of conduct
  • Six hours of broker management 


Meanwhile, salespeople who have had their licenses for more than two years must complete at least 16 CE hours per renewal period. These hours must include:

  • One hour of legal emerging trends and updates
  • One hour of real estate contracts
  • One hour of real estate agency
  • Two hours of agent/broker supervision
  • Three hours of ethics and standards of conduct


The remaining eight hours may be in any approved CE subject. 


Salespeople who have not yet had their licenses renewed must take a Post License Education (PLE) course that will count as CE credit. This must be completed within 12 months of the end of the month in which they first received their license. They must also complete hours including:

  • Two hours of real estate-related finance information
  • Two hours of fair housing, ADA, and civil rights
  • Two hours of current industry issues and trends
  • Three hours of risk management
  • Three hours of escrow requirements 
  • Three hours in ethics and standards of conduct
  • Three hours of agency law
  • Six hours of real estate law and regulations (must include flood content)
  • Six hours of contract writing


Information on Final Exams for Virginia CE 

In order to receive credit for a CE course, you must pass the final exam with at least a 75%. You may take the exam as many times as necessary to achieve this.


Agency Requirements for licensure